I do not think there are people who do not like wearing jeans. However, choose jeans that already use a standard size will be difficult for us who do not have the perfect body shape. Whether wide hips, grooved, or flat. Rather than feel comfortable with jeans, you even bother to fix sagging pants that seemed to hold, or press your abdomen. Well, for you who still do not find jeans that fit the model's body shape, 6 options below may be an option.
1. Lower buttocks / down
When you first get used to exercising, but it did not do it, could be your ass will come down. Especially when followed by a yo-yo dieting that makes your weight go up and down rapidly. For that, you need jeans with a model that can lift your buttocks. Choose jeans with slim-fit model, which gives the illusion of a higher butt because your legs look longer and slender. Avoid jeans that are not equipped with rear pocket. Pocket, let alone a small decorated colorful stitches, would distract people from your buttocks. Without these details, the buttocks will appear lower and wider than the truth. Try: Gap jeans.
2. Flat ass
To create more lift buttocks and give full effect, you need jeans that use materials such as Lycra stretch, back pocket with a little distance apart, and accent stitching to highlight the effect of the round. Most important, avoid tight jeans. For your wide hips, avoid jeans a hip male model straight because it would further push your buttocks. Try: Bisou Bisou for JCPenney.
3. Ass curvy / grooved
You have a slim waist, but wide and full of ass? You may be easy to find jeans that could accommodate all the hip, but the waist will usually be dropped. Jeans with high waist and hem lines on the back pocket can hold the curve function of your body. You can also wear stretch jeans that prevent butt off. Try: Old Navy.
4. Butt sink
Ass like this is thinner than the flat bottom; virtually nothing that stands out from that section. This requires the tricks to create the buttocks, by wearing jeans decorated with colorful details like a pocket with a cover, buckles, embroidery or stitching is also colorful. These details will help give volume to the buttocks. Try: American Eagle Outfitters.
5. Ass triangle
Your hips toward your thighs wide, so you need to do a balancing. Jeans that are suitable for this kind of ass is made of semi-stretch, to help create a more rounded buttocks basis. Choose jeans with back pocket that lies at the waist high. This makes the attention focused on the middle of the buttocks, and thighs no longer on the widened. Try: Levi's.
6. Rump width
To have a wide butt look slimmer, avoid straight-legged jeans and wide as a model palazzo. This model will show a wide section to bottom. Conversely, avoid too skinny jeans model that would confirm the wide hips, and narrowed below. Jeans are best suited for this type of buttocks is with legs straight (straight leg) or boot-cut, which is equipped with pockets that will attract close attention to the center. This model will balance the width of the hips with wide leg pants, highlight your curves the best. Try: Lee.
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