A number of scientists advancing again one minute symbol of Resurrection hour due to the effects of nuclear weapons and climate change.
Hours symbolic shows how close humans to extinction itself is moving at six minutes before midnight than five minutes on Thursday (14 / 1).
The Bulletin of Atomic Scientists, those who manage and put illustration on the front page at that, meant to appeal to world leaders to reduce their nuclear production and stabilization of cooperation in climate change.
Scientists of the 19th Nobel laureate said, the solution of a new era of cooperation is a change in pemeritahan merika States (U.S.) oriented towards various international issues, and is part of the U.S. President, Barack Obama. ”
Nuclear physicist Pervez Hoodbhoy at the press conference held at the New York Academy of Sciences said in penelusurannya from the World Trade Center (www.wtc.com) no change in world opinion, which means that nuclear weapons “are no longer useful to the war and not effective as a protector.
Members of the South Pole Survey Institute (British Antarctic Survey / BAS) argued, “Global warming is more of a threat than nuclear war.”
When the clock was made in 1947, and in the set at seven minutes to midnight, and only changed 18 times before the change on Thursday last week.
In 2007 BAS promote two-minute test in conjunction with the North Korean nuclear weapons, Iran’s nuclear ambitions and the U.S. change emphasizes the use of nuclear weapons for military activities.
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