Kamis, 01 Oktober 2009

Trans Metro Bandung

BANDUNG: Bandung City Government will continue to operate the Metro Mass Trans Bandung (TMB) Eagles to Cibiru Bypass through, despite a rejection from most of the drivers that intersect the city transportation, such as Eagle-Gedebage department.

Mayor of Bandung, Dada Rosada, said TMB operation that currently reaches 10 units purely for the sake of people who need mass transportation

"We will continue to operate despite the rejection of the drivers, we have the support of the community," he said.

According to the mayor, who represented his side Transport Department is currently following a resolution of objections from the drivers with the operation of TMB.

"Together with a consortium, may be later than the driver angkot so mass transportation," said Mayor.

Previously when TMB tested during the day, Thursday (24/09) every bus must be escorted by two policemen to anticipate the possibility of anarchist actions undertaken angkot drivers who objected to the operation of TMB.

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